Make it big, make it clear, make it delicious. That’s the primary rule of successful “call to action” button, a button that leads your site visitor to your defined target such as product purchase or site conversion. While there is in-depth article that briefs about guidelines, best practices and examples to create a deadly effective “call to action” buttons, few might failed to achieve it due to issues like insufficient design skill or time.

But you’re probably not alone. The good news is, graphic designers have been aware of this issue also, and with their brilliant design skills they created very attractive “call to action” buttons for you to use and of course, it’s free. This post exists as a collection of 38 high quality and unique “call to action” button templates, so there’s no head scratching anymore, choose your favorite buttons and let them shine on your website today!
Meanwhile, be sure to check out our posts for more understanding about effective use and creation of “call to action” buttons:
“Call To Action” Button Template
2 “Call To Action” Buttons
2 high quality and elegant “call to action” buttons with detail in mind.

3 “Call To Action” Buttons
A set of absolutely unique “call to action” buttons designed by Kuldar Kalvik.

4 Web Buttons
A quality set of download buttons in two different states – default and hover.

27 Web Buttons
A plethora of very useful “call to action” buttons released by graceful Iconnice.

36 Web Buttons Collection
Very professional “call to action” buttons designed by Sketchdock, a great site to seek for quality freebies.

3D Buttons
Pretty 3D buttons which will work pretty good as “call to action” buttons.

Add To Cart Buttons
This set probably exceeds the quality of most items found in premium market, looks very charming yet professional.

Aqua Texture Button
Quality and big enough to call for an action.

Bright 3D Buttons
Nicely designed 3D buttons with balanced typography and gorgeous color scheme.

Button Set
A set of “call to action” buttons with soft color scheme but convincing design.

Buttons Vector Graphic
Beautiful buttons with different colors, suits well to website with web 2.0 approach.

“Call To Action” Button
Very cool and sleek “call to action” button that’s adaptable to a variety of designs.

“Call To Action” Buttons
Clean and clear “call to action” buttons that can be used in many projects.

Carbonalistic Web Buttons
A download button set with totally unique design approach.

Check It Out Button
Check out this check it out button, another cool design by Jonno Riekwel.

Clean Download Buttons Pack
Designs are not that ‘clean’ but very creative, which can drag a lot of attention.

Clean E-Commerce Web Buttons
Really clean and attractive e-commerce web buttons with charming designs.

Download Button
Very slick download button set which come in 3 different states – default, hover and clicked.

Download Buttons PSD Pack
A set of bright and beautiful download buttons, I think hovered state buttons can also be used as normal buttons as their designs are quite distinguishing.

Download Button Set
A freebie from Web 2.0 Donkey which contains 6 nice-looking download buttons in different colors.

Download The Source Files Button
Professionaly designed “call to action” buttons, simply great.

Download Web Button Set
Download buttons in various styles and color schemes, very useful pieces for sharing website.

Green App Store Button
The best free app store related “call to action” button I’ve seen so far.

Light To Dark Web Buttons
A set of web buttons with different brightness available to you with CSS sprites as PSD files.

New Download Button
The big and stylish ‘DOWNLOAD’ text really grabs much attention, will be a great attempt to apply it to your site.

Pink Vibrant “Call To Action”
Pinky “call to action” that really attracts, like it!

PSD Download Buttons
Available in 8 different color variations, these buttons are grouped into Photoshop’s smart object which means you can customize them easily.

Red Download Button
Pretty unique download button well-suited to software or web application site.

Sexy Green Download Button
A green button that’s too sexy to click on it.

Simple Download Buttons
‘A set of 3 different download buttons in three different states – normal, hovered and active. Use them and abuse them at will.’

Special Offer Buttons Web 2.0 Style
Special Offer! That’s what I love to see, and here’s a free quality special offer button template for you.

Sticky 3D Buttons
2 really sticky 3D buttons which are perfect for plugin site.

Ultimate Web 2.0 Buttons Pack
This set consists of 16 buttons with different labels, shapes, colors and stunning glossy effects, enjoy using them!

Web 2.0 Download Buttons
Yet another set of creative download buttons released by graceful Design3Edge.

Web 2.0 Download Button Set
20 glossy download buttons for you to attract visitor for downloads.

Web Buttons
A great package of web buttons with ultimately attractive designs, thanks to Carlos Viloria!

Web Buttons Vector Graphic
Professionally designed web buttons for different uses, you can guess they are from design professional DryIcons.

Wide Green Button
A nicely designed button set originally created for a client’s website, but the author changed the mind and decided to share this sweet button set to us.

Do always keep in mind that the “call to action” button you choose should match your website’s look and color scheme. Also make it stands out on some of the clearest part of your website such as header or top content area, and giving it some space from other web elements so it can be distinguished as something special, something that you hope your visitor can take action on it.
We hope these advices and button templates can help you build a “call to action” button that really stands out and achieve your defined target, in exchange you can possibly share about your favorite button from this collection and the reason, thank you!