I guess it’s safe to say, invitation cards by and large, are pretty much useless as soon as event ends. However, this is not the case for the cards we are going to show you. These invitation cards are beautiful, creative and they are definitely keepers. You’ll hold on to them for a while, or even end up keeping them for good.
Invitation card can impress its recipients on many levels. The way the design and content presents itself shows how much the event meant to its organizers and how much effort they have put in. Take a moment, try recalling the most creative invitation card you’ve ever received and how much it has impressed you.
In today’s post, I’d like to present you 30 creative and beautifully-designed invitation cards. Full list after jump.
Creative Invitation Cards
Typography Inspired Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Sarah Parrott)
Twootenanny Invitation. (Image Source: texburgher)
Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: SimonQ)
Kyle & Katie. (Image Source: Nick Brue)
13th street Universal Invitation card. (Image Source: fabrice vitet)
Jason & Jennifer wedding invitation. (Image Source: Phae)
Perky + Richter. (Image Source: Perky Bros LLC)
HintonMarsh Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Carolyn_Sewell)
Carnival Pinwheel Poster Sample Invitation. (Image Source: mandolin invitations)
Creative Type wedding invitation. (Image Source: 2bsquared designs)
The Collection – Debra. (Image Source: Sarah Parrott)
Wedding Invite Letterpress. (Image Source: Chloe Horowitz)
Hatch Shower Bridal Shower Invitation. (Image Source: blush printables)
Robot Themed Carnival Poster Sample Invitation. (Image Source: mandolin invitations)
Rhode Island Beach Wedding. (Image Source: Sarah Parrott)
InvitaciĂ³n de boda para Fer y Nora. (Image Source: La caja de tipos)
Jennie & Darwin Wedding. (Image Source: Lauren Dickens)
Bittersweet – Valentine’s Day Party Invitation. (Image Source: blush printables)
The Big Day. (Image Source: Todd Thyberg)
Love Compose Letterpress Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Elegante Press)
Save the Date. (Image Source: Brian Hurst)
Letterpress & laser cut invitation. (Image Source: mattcrest)
Classic Aubergine. (Image Source: Parrott Design Studio)
Andrew and Alysha. (Image Source: Seth Nickerson)
Letterpress Matchbook Invitations for a Summer Wedding. (Image Source: Martha Stewart Weddings (via Beast Pieces))
Unique Green and Black Letterpress Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Elegante Press)
Mid-Century Style Blue and Gray Save the Dates. (Image Source: Us & Them)
Modern Letterpress Wedding Invite. (Image Source: FPO / The Hungry Workshop)
Rosebrook Meyer Wedding Invitations. (Image Source: Rosebrook Meyer)
John and Nancy’s Old-Fashioned Hitchin’ Wedding Invites. (Image Source: PTARMAK)