10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook

Everyone is still in shocked when the news circulated over the net that Mr. Steve Jobs resigned from his post as a Chief Executive Officer of Apple who will be replaced by Tim Cook. No one has expected that he will leave his position from the company that he personally founded together with other pioneers like Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976. It has been more than 3 decades. This is one of the breaking news in the market and everyone would want to know more about Mr. Cook. He would take the post and responsibilities that Mr. Jobs would leave behind. Therefore, before you get clueless, here are some of the exciting and interesting facts about the new leader of Apple, Tim Cook.
tim cook apple ceo 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook

10. A Very Private Person
10. A Very Private Person 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook
He is not a typical leader that you could see catching the attention of glamour and glitz of the international or worldwide market. He is not as outgoing as the outgoing CEO of Apple is. He loves to keep things confidential. He has a mild-nature personality, a soft-spoken person, and very enthusiastic. He does things without causing too much of spotlight from co-workers and other colleagues.

9. A Fan Himself
9. A Fan Himself 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook
Like any ordinary citizen, he also admires people and has his own passion or liking in specific sports, such as football. He has so much respect and admiration to Auburn Football, which significantly leaves an impression that he can be ordinary and he can do ordinary things.

8. Loves Working and Sending Emails Early in the Morning
8. Loves Working and Sending Emails Early in the Morning 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook
While everyone feels that his or her body is still being invigorated and freshened before a day’s work, he does thing differently. He does not do workouts in the morning or take some breeze walking to get ready to work but his job is to send emails not just in the morning but early in the morning. How early it is? It is 4:30 in the morning and that is how he starts the day right.
7. A Fitness Enthusiast
7. A Fitness Enthusiast 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook
Although his routine is different from any other company leaders, he still allots enough time to go to a gym and shape himself up. In fact, his advocacy in fitness can be seen on his active participation on other outdoor activities such as biking and hiking, which he is consistently doing to energize his body and mind.

6. Temporary CEO for Apple A Couple of Times
6. Temporary CEO for Apple A Couple of Times 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook
He has enough exposure and familiarity on the job that Steve would leave to him since he has been appointed in some situations when Mr. Jobs needed to address series of medical attention, which he successfully played. This job is no longer new for him because he has been used to it and he knows how it works.

5. IBM and Compaq Product
5. IBM and Compaq Product 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook
Before he joined Apple, he had years of exposure on the competitors of Apple, which are IBM and Compaq, where he gained full advantages to really contribute in the competitive world of gadgets, specifically computer and other gizmos in the market.
4. Educational Highlights
4. Educational Highlights 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook
He completed Industrial Engineering in 1982 at Auburn University then later received his MBA from Duke University’s Fugua School of Business in 1988.

3. His Natural Heritage
3. His Natural Heritage 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook
He was born and raised in Robertsdale, Alabama, but he came from a simple family where his father’s occupation is a shipyard worker while his mother is a full time homemaker.

2. Independently Hardworking
2. Independently Hardworking 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook
He may have not received the luxuries of life while he was young, which could be attributed for his mild nature and simplicity. Yet he has reaped all the rewards because of his frugality and hardworking nature. In fact, he is one of the biggest contributors to the successes that Apple had in the past, where even Mr. Jobs believed in him.

1. 13 Years for Timothy
1. 13 Years for Timothy 10 Interesting Facts About Tim Cook
As he turns 13 years staying in Apple, he has been welcomed to lead and take the pride to make it even flourishing and hone it for future generation. He is Timothy D. Cook or better known as Tim Cook.