10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day – [FACTS]

Each event has its history in appreciating the reasons why certain events are being hailed and celebrated. However, there are unveiled facts that people should know and discover to value Labor Day and make the celebration worthwhile where these are some of the unknown why’s for anticipated Labor Day each year, just to make the commemoration more meaningful.

10. Labor Sunday
10. Labor Sunday 10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day   [FACTS]
Everyone is aware that Monday is the day that Labor Day was set and this has been the practice and prior to this event, Labor Sunday was acknowledged to give way to the most joyous day for all workers.

9. No Whites after Labor Day
9. No Whites after Labor Day 10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day   [FACTS]
There are different beliefs as to the history why wearing of white from shoes up to the clothing should be forbidden. Hence, the very obvious part of that is to avoid stain that could taint the valuable celebration for all workers, which reminds them of the purity of their work, and love to toil.

8. It is Not a Party but Rallies
8. It is Not a Party but Rallies 10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day   [FACTS]
In reality, this is not a party for all employees but it begun in a form of rallies, which is not on a destructive side of the event but more on pleas to decrease unemployment rate and increase benefits for all the workers.

7. Oregon Experienced the 1st Labor Day
7. Oregon Experienced the 1st Labor Day e1314033819479 10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day   [FACTS]
After the declaration and approval of the Labor as a recognized National Holiday Day, the Oregon State declared and celebrated this day as the first state that made cognizance to the efforts of the employees.

6. Barbeque Costume
6. Barbeque Costume 10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day   [FACTS]
The tradition of marking the first Monday of September in our calendar has significantly followed the pattern of throwing a barbeque day at the backyard in commemoration of all the workers and especially the unemployed people across the globe.

5. The One Who Signed It Did Not Agree On It
5. The One Who Signed It Did Not Agree On It 10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day   [FACTS]
Throughout the history, everyone is aware that when specific events are being approved, with a bill is being signed, there is a consensus acknowledgement that the individual agrees and have understood everything. However, with the passing of Labor Day, but President Grover Cleveland who was the number one opponent in pursuing this proposal, had decided to sign it although he did not believe and support it wholeheartedly.

4. Celebration for Average worker
4. Celebration for Average Worker 10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day   [FACTS]
There are wrong ideas and concept when Labor Day arrives where people expect it as a day that their efforts and labors are being recognized. Despite that, it is part of the purpose, but it is entirely made for the benefit of low wage earners who are desperate to receive decent amounts that could support individual and family needs. They are made for the struggling few and not for the entire working population.

3. People behind Labor Day Approval
3. People behind Labor Day Approval 10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day   [FACTS]
There are various names of people who are being connected or linked with, prior to its approval and proposal like Peter J. McGuire who was a general secretary that time and a co-founder of the American Federation Labor. Nonetheless, record also shows that it was Matthew Macguire that took the way to propose the event in 1882.

2. 12-Hour Work Ceased
2. 12 Hour Work Ceased 10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day   [FACTS]
Working and staying for 8 hours plus additional 1 hour for breaks are already a tiring task each day, how much more if you will do it half a day each day. This is the blessing of the passing of the Labor Day because an 8-hour job was approved and being implemented and enjoyed by all.

1. Its Representation of Unemployed People
1. Its Representation of Unemployed People 10 Things You Might Know About Labor Day   [FACTS]
National Labor Day that falls every first Monday of September does not significantly mean a day to rest, but to assure and elevate the lives of the unemployed people that they could have opportunity to work and earn.