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Convert SWF Flash Files to Windows Application with Flash Builder

tread of today’s internet but still part of memory for those who are surfing internet since 98. The era of flash based games, movies & website may have come to an end but still you can find plenty of SWF based games and animated movies on old web archives. If you would like to enjoy those flash based games right from your desktop without having to connected on internet then here is useful tool for you, Flash Builder.
The Flash Builder lets you to convert SWF flash files into an executable Windows exe file. The executable has no standard windows border and supports translucency. The window can have any shape, even animated shapes are supported. You can also add a shadow or create automatically autorun.inf for CD-ROM autostart function.
The best part is Flash Builder also allows you to add your own Icon and splash screen to customize Windows Application created from SWF. Flash Builder doesn’t require any installation. Less than 400 Kb in size Flash Builder offers easy to use user interface.
When you start Flash Builder you will be presented with screen to browse and select SWF file and option to add your own Icon and splash screen. Once you have selected SWF file you can hut build button to initiate the conversion process.
Flash Builder will save the converted SWF flash file to Windows Application on your desktop. Which you can double click and run like usual programs and applications. Flash Builder also supports fscommand() of SWF4 and above.
Flash Builder is supported on Windows XP/Vista/7 (x86/x64).