How to Enable Root User in Mac OS X

How to Enable Root User in Mac OS XMac OS X has a great demand with the credits of the world’s most advanced desktop operating system.  It is used in all parts of the world. Mac OS X has a great credit with its speed and clarity.  Many advanced technologies are implemented and we have many different versions of Mac OS X. Each new version comes up with advanced features as compared to its predecessor and becomes much in demand in the market.
Mac OS X was built with proven UNIX® foundation for multi core CPU’s. We have much useful and different functionality Mac OS X like Xcode integrated development environment and different types of user permission’s and root user can be enabled or disabled depending on the needs. The security of Mac OS X is better than any other OS, this will not get infected with the virus problem so easily or more often we won’t face any problems. We have to follow few easy steps for enabling the root users.
How to Enable the Root User in Mac OS X: To enable root user in Mac OS X is a simple task for the Mac OS X users.  But people think that when they enable root user in Mac OS X it will get into problems or system will get messed up. Unless we do something wrong with the wrong commands or do wrong operations in the root user there will not be any problem in enabling the root user in Mac OS X. The root user is also known as super user. Once we enable root user in Mac OS X and we login to root user the root user has the permission to delete any files in any place of the system, even the system files can be deleted.
Steps to enable Root User:  Administrator account plays a major role in enabling the root user in Mac OS X. We need to know the administrator password and we need to login as admin in the system then we need to choose Utilities in Finder’s Go menu.  In Go menu we need to Select Directory Utility.  We need to click on the lock button and unlock it in Directory Utility window.
How to Enable Root User in Mac OS X
It needs administrator user name and password. After entering correct user name and password we can see the lock icon as unlock. Then we need to click on the edit and choose enable root user and there opens a pop up with password and verify password.

How to Enable Root User in Mac OS X
Root user is enabled successfully.  We can logout and login to root user now. We can enable root user from other users created by admin also they are not admin users they are guest users but if they know the user name and password they are allowed to change password.