How To Use Multiple Monitors in Windows 7 : Connect Dual Monitors

If you have dual monitor and want to use multiple monitors in Windows 7 as it will spread your work out and will also make your work so easy. Many are having wrong concept about connecting Multiple Monitors InWindows 7 but its too easy to do so. Here we go..

How To Use Multiple Monitors in Windows 7 : Connect Dual Monitors

Their are two ways to setup multiple monitors in Win7, but here only easiest method is mentioned :

Just press Windows key and P (Windows + P) and will see four icon as below :

First option is to show only computer, second option to make another monitor duplicate of the real monitor, their option is to extend the desktop to the second monitor and the last one is to turn off the first monitor and to activate the second.

How To Setup Multiple Monitors in Windows 7: Conclusion

Its very easy to setup multiple monitors in windows 7 by the above mentioned method. By doing so you will make your life easy and comfortable if you are 24 hours computer man :)

So friends, I hope you enjoyed this article on How to Setup Multiple Monitors In Win7 and if you have any problem of want to share your own views then please do comment for "How to use multiple monitors inwindows 7"