Top 10 Animal Celebrities in the Movies

For the past years, I have watched several films, others too impressive and still others too disappointing. There are those that left an imprint in my heart – and there are those that are blown by the wind. To say, movies have truly come in full circle in my life… and even yours.
Here are ten of the popular animal characters that left a place in most hearts or have scared many minds:

1. Willy the Whale

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Probably one of the heartbreaking animal characters is Willy the Whale of Free Willy. Willy is a small Orca that was caught and placed in the water park where Jesse – a small boy worked. In due time, Jesse was able to befriend Willy – and the two hit it great and become good friends. Eventually, Willy became a well-trained, intelligent, and able whale that can follow commands of Jesse. Natural to all movies, villains come in full circle. Willy was being pursued by the park authorities and had the courage to jump high for his freedom.

2. Beethoven

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Beethoven is a St. Bernard dog that escaped from the vicious hands of thieves that stole them from a pet shop. Beethoven got his name from the great musical genius Ludwig van Beethoven. Eventually, Beethoven became the family’s focal point. Beethoven helped the kids by barking or scaring those who bully them. At the near end, we see Beethoven to be in the hand of villains who want to experiment him with ammunition. As usual, good triumphs over evil – and Beethoven was safe from any alarms of the bad intentions of the villains. Beethoven left a place in the hearts of many encompassing the idea, “Dog is man’s bestfriend”.

3. Flicka

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Flicka, or being translated as girl in Swedish, is a horse that stars the film of its namesake. Considered as an outcast, Flicka is not well accepted in the ranch because it is a wild one. In the course of the movie, Flicka and Katy, the female lead star, fought for the right of Flicka to live in the ranch and to be tamed by Katy. The story revolves around loyalty, friendship, and trust of a human and a horse.

4. Lassie

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Lassie is the world famous collie that has been famed for generations, of living with the family and being a member of it, through life in situations of thick and thin. Her story becomes unique in the silver screen when her owners were forced to sell her due to a financial hardship that resulted in a separation that tested the bond between the pet and her master.

5. King Kong

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The most popular gorilla of all time is still King Kong. Making an enormous fame across the country and internationally, King Kong is a well-known gorilla that survives the cruel treatment of human beings. King Kong shows that even the biggest primate can be tamed and it can show affection to human beings. With much love, King Kong shows the beauty of the world to many people – and how a world may live in harmony.

6. Igor

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Igor is a goose that plays a major part in the Fly Away Home. After being left by his parents, Igor was born to the family and was loved. However, because of the place is near the flight area; it is necessary to kill all geese or to cut the wings to render the birds flightless. In the process, Igor bumped into Amy’s aircraft after she tried flying the plane. The geese were relocated due to the demand of the warden; however, all geese returned the next spring showing the loyalty of many.

7. Elsa the Lioness

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Elsa the Lioness is a small cub that is being bred by a couple after the mother lion was killed. Elsa grows to become a family friend – and that exemplifies the best of taming the wild and getting the best of friendship, loyalty, and trust; a rare site that can be seen in real life. Even though it was not found in the movies, but her exposure in BBC documentaries made her a classic favorite.

8. Babe

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Known to be a pig that has a unique kind of identity crisis, due to the loss of his mother at a young age, Babe is a pig that is famous for his dreams of being a sheepdog. He was able to prove his worth by working well in the farm where he was adopted, making friends to most animals, and helping the farmer in such duties as herding the sheep or even sorting the hens.

9. Chance

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The American Bulldog from Homeward Bound that had shown zeal and energy in a family that shares the home with other pets such as Sassy the cat, and Shadow, the wise Golden Retriever. When they thought that their young master was taken away, they journeyed everywhere just not to lose him.

10. Anaconda

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Probably the most popular animal villain is the anacondas of the Anaconda films. Leaving a reverberating story told and passed to many, anaconda made an impact of how dangerous big snakes can be. It left an idea that there are animals that must be left alone than tamed.