Windows 7 is the first ever operating system from Microsoft that has been developed largely by keeping user feedback in mind. It is much more faster and better looking than Vista. If you are one of those users looking to upgrade or buy Windows 7, then you should definitely look out for some custom made themes. If you are running windows 7 already, then you want to pretty up your desktop and load new Windows 7 themes (temas para windows 7).
You will need to make sure that the file is suitable for Windows 7, then simply download and install. The themes we will cover are all featured on DeviantArt. Check them out and go grab yourself one that you like. Today here we present you 11 Best windows 7 themes (temas para windows 7) created by DeviantArt users.
Let us know what your favorites are and if you find any others, let us know in the comments!
Let us know what your favorites are and if you find any others, let us know in the comments!