Top 10 Coffee Producing Countries

This post is about those top ten countries which are the biggest manufacturers of coffee. Coffee is a popular and very preferable type of beverage in all over the worldand more than 2.23 billion cups of coffee are consumed in daily life among the individuals. 90% of coffee production happens in the developed countries but the consumption is all over the world. 65% of the coffee-takers take their beverage very hot in the morning to awaken their senses because coffee is a great active factor for the nerves to get aroused.
coffee Top 10 Coffee Producing Countries
Following below measured in millions of metric tons are the top ten coffee producing countries which made their largest coffee producing record in 2006:

10). Peru:

The coffee industry of Peru is one of the largest and most important agricultural sectors recording 12% of all agricultural exports in 2004. Peru is also recorded as one of the largest producers of qualitative coffee beans in the world. 0.17 millions of metric tons of coffee were produced in Peru in 2006.

09). Honduras:

The Honduras coffee provided is the one of the most superior coffee. For the manufacturers in Honduras, coffee is not only the business of them; it is their way of life. Good quality and well flavor tasting coffee is produced in this country. 0.19 millions of metric tons of coffee were produced in 2006 in Honduras.

08). Guatemala:

After Colombia, Guatemala ranks second among the high-graded coffee producers in the world. The percentage of high quality crops of coffee in this country is highly classified among the world-wide buyers. Half of the coffee produced percentage is exported to US economy. 0.26 millions of metric tons of coffee were produced in Guatemala in 2006.

07). Ethiopia:

Ethiopia is the birth place of coffee. Wild Arabic coffee beans grow wild in the forests of Kaffa region in Ethiopia. Coffee produced in some regions of Ethiopia is dry-process, from some regions as washed and from some regions both processed are produced. 0.26 millions of metric tons of coffee were produced in Ethiopia in 2006.

06). India:

India is producing 4% of the world’s total coffee production to be sold in the Southern states of India. Mostly noted India is referred for its Monsoon Malabar variety. Most of the coffee is cultivated in India rather than any other country. 0.27 millions of metric tons of coffee were produced in India in 2006.

05). Mexico:

Mainly, South-Central to Southern sides of the Mexico country produces the concentrated amount of coffee. Particularly, the Arabica coffee grows well in the coastal regions of Mexico near the border of Guatemala. It is also the Mexico’s most valuable crop for export. 0.27 millions of metric tons of coffee were produced in 2006 in Mexico.

04). Indonesia:

The Indonesia’s territory has an ideal geography for the growth of coffee crops. More than 90% of the coffee cultivation is done by the small holders on farms owing an average area of one hectare or less. There are more than 20 varieties of Arabica coffee grown commercially in Indonesia. 0.65 millions of metric tons of coffee were recorded for the production of coffee in 2006 in Indonesia.

03). Colombia:

The coffee from Colombia is distinguished from all other coffees in terms of high quality and delicious taste. Good Colombian coffee is sold as Supremo or Excelso, a designed and derived name from the size of the coffee beans. 0.70 millions of metrics tons of coffee was produced in 2006 in this country.

02). Vietnam:

Coffee production is the major source of income for the people of Vietnam. The coffee industry of this country developed simply from the primary plantation systems but it has now become a major economic resource of the country. The coffee from this country has certain type of characteristics in terms of its specialty that distinguishes it from other coffees and brewing methods of coffees. 0.85 millions of metric tons of coffee were recorded to be produced in Vietnam in 2006.

01). Brazil:

Brazilian coffee is very significant in the specialty of coffee industry. Brazil produces a massive amount of coffee both on small and on industrial scale. Bourbon, Typica, Caturra and Mundo Novo are the varieties of coffee produced in the states of Parana, Espirito Santos, Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais and Bahia in Brazil. Moreover, the coffee beans from Brazil are not only used for coffee blending, but they are also roasted so that their diverse useful characteristics can be extracted for different purposes. 2.59 millions of metric tons of coffee were produced in Brazil recorded in 2006.