Top 10 Social Networking Websites In 2011

The world of Socialization really knows no bounds and it is already reaching a very faraway place, the internet, which also covers almost everyone living in the world today, who has access on the computer. Here are the top social media sites that you could associate yourself with this year, a sure place of making friends, feeding your social cravings of attention, interaction, and connection with friends and total strangers.

social networking Top 10 Social Networking Websites In 2011


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Number one on the list is Facebook. Well, this is really not surprising at all because if you are going to make the number of users as the sole criteria in judging the best social media sites, Facebook will really turn out to be the victor without further deliberations. Currently, it has some 700,000,000 registered users, each could be active or inactive, but the thing is that 700 million is a very big number. Facebook really never fails to impress it subscribersbecause of the regular updates and maintenance checks that they conduct from time to time.

2. Twitter

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If Facebook is on the number 1 rank, you could expect that Twitter will be on the second place, right beside Facebook. Rumors are being spread stating that Twitter will soon replace Facebook on the number 1 slot because of its relatively fresher and newer features, a thing that most old school social networking media hosts really hate the most because it could basically kill their site in just an instance. If you were going to judge this site in terms of functionality and design, you would discover that it really deserves to be on the number 2 slot.

3. MySpace

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If you are thinking that MySpace is on the brink of its extinction already, you are probably wrong. MySpace is still alive and kicking and its followers are somewhat loyal to it despite the higher level of glamour and attractiveness that other websites offer. Generally, MySpace is still as user friendly as it used to be so there shouldn’t really be a lot of user related issue when it comes to this topic. The only problem about MySpace however is that it almost never changed its platforms in a large-scale manner therefore, making it looks like a bit uncompetitive compared to other social media.

4. LinkedIn

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Social Media Sites are not purely made for the purpose of socialization, news, and current affairs. Some of the most famous network media nowadays are not even directly inclined with socialization but mostly, on job networking. A particularly good example would be LinkedIn. In here, you could set up a very strong network of colleagues so that whenever you have to contact someone for a project, you can keep in touch with your network quite more easily.

5. Ning

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Is this your first time to hear this word? Well, now that you have heard about it already, you can already search about it in the internet and know the things that it can do for you. Basically, the features could just be all the same if you are going to compare it with other sites. The only difference that you could actually see between them are the interphase that they offer and the type of services and customer support that they can provide.

6. Friendster

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Have you ever tried to visit Friendster and take a sneak peek at its new look? If not, you should have visited it a long time ago because there are actually a lot of changes that were already made since the last time when all you could do is to visit your friends’ profile, post some comments, testimonials and view all of the pictures that you want.

7. Multiply

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Business people also have to communicate with each other every once in a while to exchange ideas and propose new forms of plans for their current settings. Now, multiply could do cater all of their needs when it comes to business. Aside from the free services that are offered here, you could also enjoy the friendly environment that is rather easy to learn and understand even for new members and beginners. The interphase is not really that sophisticated and it would only take some minutes for you to get the hand of rooming around the website.

8. Tagged

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Tagged is just like any other website out there who aims to be one of the best in the social media industry. Unfortunately, it only fell into the eighth rank because it simply cannot beat Facebook and Twitter in terms of the uniqueness and customer care service that are offered. Most likely, you should be able to see some similarities again but that does not mean that these web hosts are made by the same developers.

9. Hi 5

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Have you ever watched through the Disney Channel? If yes, you should have heard about the Hi 5 social networking site already. One of the best features that they boast off is the legitimate friends that you could befriend. Because of that, more and more people are actually being encouraged to join in and create their own accounts using the highly selective profile creation interphase.

10. Orkut

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Orkut is already making a very significant name as in the social networking industry. This is basically good because it can serve as a very good foundation for their future endeavors.