Earn Money Online : Do What You Love And Earn 5$ Per Job | Fiverr

Are you doing time pass on social networking sites without any aim , if they give you anything ? . Many of the people do chatting for time pass only . But now you have an opportunity to have your time pass andearn 5$ for doing the easy work that you are interested . How interesting would be a marketplace where you can hock your $5 talent to others. It’s called, Fiverr its a service which allows you to buy and sellservices for $5. You can buy and sell tasks at $5. As the name suggests, the website offers a place to sell and buy five dollar gigs.  buyers can leave feedback so others can find out if their five dollars was well spent. Tasks are divided into categories, including Funny and Bizarre, Social Marketing, Graphics, Writing,Technology, Business, Silly Stuff and Programming.

So why don’t you try it out? Register an account at fiverr.com and post your own $5 , and then list your job. If you find a buyer and then complete the job, they pay you $4 for each completed task, keeping $1 for themselves as a service fee. Fiverr just takes $1 off of the $5 fee, Fiverr will pay you via paypal, you just need to update your paypal email address in your fiverr account to get the payment. Sellers must have accrued over $40 (10 sales) before withdrawing their funds via Paypal.

Fiverr is a great service no doubt on that, but Many people as been concentrating too much on it forthe purpose of  " earning money " which I disagree with because Fiverr is the site made for having fun and other silly things, you can very rarely find someone there who is serious about " making money ".

So what you all are waiting for create your own account at Fiverr.com and earn money