Name : Chiasa Aonuma
Birthday : August 1st, 1975
Birthplace : Saitama, Japan
Measurements : B.80 W.58 H.85
Height : 163cm
Bra Cup Size : B
Foot Size : 24 cm
Blood Type : O
Astrological Sign : Leo
Hobbies : Watching horror movies, playing video games, and sports
Favourite Sport(s) : Tennis
Dream : To become an actress
Debut : Dela Beppin No. 99 February 1994 by Eichi Publication

Birthday : August 1st, 1975
Birthplace : Saitama, Japan
Measurements : B.80 W.58 H.85
Height : 163cm
Bra Cup Size : B
Foot Size : 24 cm
Blood Type : O
Astrological Sign : Leo
Hobbies : Watching horror movies, playing video games, and sports
Favourite Sport(s) : Tennis
Dream : To become an actress
Debut : Dela Beppin No. 99 February 1994 by Eichi Publication

Chiasa Aonuma was a sensation back in the late 90's. She had a face that belonged a innocent schoolgirl lost in a world of books. Fortunately for us, Chiasa was lost in the world of Japan AV!
Abeit the fact that Chiasa isn't as busty or does not sport legs that stretch on to eternity, she does have a very nice compact body. It suits her very nicely I would say.
Abeit the fact that Chiasa isn't as busty or does not sport legs that stretch on to eternity, she does have a very nice compact body. It suits her very nicely I would say.
Unfortunately however, like most AV Stars, her career only lasted several years and she retired in 1998 dissapointing thousands -- if not millions of fans worldwide.
I was talking to my friend recently about girls who shave "down there" versus girls who do not. He believed that all girls should while I disagree.
I think Chiasa is the perfect example of why you shouldn't shave. She has a nice tuft of hair down there that suits her very well. It adds greatly to the cuteness effect that she eminates because she really isn't that hairy.
My favorite part of Chiasa's body would have to be her legs.They are well-formed yet also manage to keep a little bit of baby fat on them.
Even though Chiasa was in her early 20's when these photos were taken, she could easily still potray herself as being much younger. In many of her movies, she portrays high school seniors that get raped.
Another great feature of Chiasa's body is her well-toned stomache. You can tell she keeps exercising as a priority. In fact, tennis fans out there will love to hear that tennis is indeed her favorite sport.
In every picture, no matter what the scene is, Chiasa has the uncanny ability to maintain such a sweet look on her face.