iPhone hacker and developer posted Sat artificial method Bingner paid Module (SAM) that allows you to activate the iPhone officially 4, 3G and 3G without hacktivating, or use the original SIM card.
"Artificial Subscriber Module (SAM)" tricks your iPhone and iTunes to create a legitimate ticket activation, even if you shut up with ultrasn0w. That means you get all the benefits of printing applications, and increases battery life significantly. If you want to try to verify http://www.bingner.com/SAM.html
Subscriber Module artificial benefits (SAM), as opposed to hacktivation that is cause for great battery life, fully functional push notifications, and so on, such as the iPhone is officially used.
Follow the instructions to activate your iPhone officially with this new method.
Step 1: Download the latest 0.9.6b6 redsn0w for Windows or Mac via the links at the end of this post.
Step 2: Follow the instructions here to jailbreak your iPhone using this latest version 0.9.6b6 Redsn0w.
Step 3: Once you've jailbroken your iPhone, run Cydia and add http://repo.bingner.com repository.

Step 4: Install now "SAM" and "SAMPrefs" in the screenshot below.
Step 5: Now begins the last 0.9.6b6 redsn0w and select the "Delete", as shown in the screenshot below. So the iPhone to return to the store to lockdownd SAM works.
Step 6: Now go to Settings> SAM and click "Turn off the iPhone"
Step 7: Open iTunes. Make sure your iPhone is connected. Allow iTunes to activate the iPhone officially.
Note: If iTunes says Invalid SIM, you must choose the appropriate carrier below in addition to one of the "Automatic" and click SIMID.
Once done, you should see the following message on your iPhone:
Step 8: Now, just follow the steps posted here to unlock your phone with 1.2 to Ultrasn0w can use any medium you want.
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6b6 for Windows
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6b6 for Mac OS X
Tag, Mobile Phone solution , Mobile Phone , 3G Mobile Phone , Samsung Mobile Phones , Activate iphone
"Artificial Subscriber Module (SAM)" tricks your iPhone and iTunes to create a legitimate ticket activation, even if you shut up with ultrasn0w. That means you get all the benefits of printing applications, and increases battery life significantly. If you want to try to verify http://www.bingner.com/SAM.html
Subscriber Module artificial benefits (SAM), as opposed to hacktivation that is cause for great battery life, fully functional push notifications, and so on, such as the iPhone is officially used.
Follow the instructions to activate your iPhone officially with this new method.
Step 1: Download the latest 0.9.6b6 redsn0w for Windows or Mac via the links at the end of this post.
Step 2: Follow the instructions here to jailbreak your iPhone using this latest version 0.9.6b6 Redsn0w.
Step 3: Once you've jailbroken your iPhone, run Cydia and add http://repo.bingner.com repository.

Step 4: Install now "SAM" and "SAMPrefs" in the screenshot below.

Step 7: Open iTunes. Make sure your iPhone is connected. Allow iTunes to activate the iPhone officially.
Note: If iTunes says Invalid SIM, you must choose the appropriate carrier below in addition to one of the "Automatic" and click SIMID.
Once done, you should see the following message on your iPhone:

Download Redsn0w 0.9.6b6 for Mac OS X
Tag, Mobile Phone solution , Mobile Phone , 3G Mobile Phone , Samsung Mobile Phones , Activate iphone