10 Interesting Facts About National Cheesecake Day

We get our energy and nutrition from the food we eat, so in order to make the worldrealize the importance of food, we celebrate food day. So my today’s pick is the cheesecake. Most of you might be knowing about the cheesecake but for those of you who don’t really have an idea about it, let me tell you that cheesecake is a dessert consisting of a topping made of soft, fresh cheese on a base made from biscuit, pastry or sponge. The topping is frequently sweetened with sugar and flavored or topped with fruit, nuts, fruit flavored drizzle or chocolate. National cheesecake day is actually an unofficial holiday which comes on July 30th. Despite of the fact that this holiday is been observed by most of the people around the world but this has not been recognized as an official holiday by any of the presidents. After getting to know about the cheesecake and its importance as a National holiday, let us proceed on to the main subject of the article.

cheesecake 10 Interesting Facts About National Cheesecake Day

10. Cheesecake does not come in one variety, rather there are many different ways by which cheesecake can be made. Do you know about the two most popular contenders for the cheesecake in United States?. One is the New York style cheesecake and the other is Philadelphia style. The former is comparatively rich and heavy while the Philadelphia style is creamier and lighter.

9. Thanks to the Greek physician Aegimus, who wrote a book on the art of making of cheesecake. I am sure you would not like to know the name of the book because it is a hodgepodge of numerous languages or it is a single language which is very complex. You better decide it yourself, so here is the name (πλακουντοποιικόν σύγγραμμα—plakountopoiikon suggramma).

8. Do you know that the National cheesecake day also contributes towards the welfare of the society as a whole?. “Feeding America” is a charity organization and on the National cheesecake day, despite of the fact that the cheesecake is sold at half the price, twenty-five cents are donated to the “Feeding America” against every cheesecake slice sold.

7. Let us talk about Eli’s Cheesecake Company. You will be astonished to know that a different flavor was offered every hour on National cheesecake day, 2010 and this went from 8am to 6pm.

6. The cheesecakes are as old as 770 BC, when they used to be served to Olympian Athletes. So don’t underestimate the value of the cheesecake guys. It is even older than your grandpa and grandma.

5. Which are the best flavors of the cheesecake? Make a wild guess. ! Okay here you are guys, chocolate and strawberry flavors are actually the two most popular. Why am I not surprised at all? These two are generally the most liked ones.

4. Let us take a look at the financial results of the first quarter of the Cheesecake Factory Incorporated. Total revenues were $418.8 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2011 as compared to $405.4 million in the prior year first quarter. Isn’t this amazing? It looks like cheesecake is attracting quiet a lot of taste buds every coming year.

3. My point number three is on how to make a cheesecake at home. I hope this will help you out a lot.

2. My last two points are dedicated to all the chocolate and strawberry lovers. But first are the chocolate freaks. Go and make your own cheesecakes at home.

1.For the strawberry lovers !. Best of Luck guys. Eat more and more. It is all yours to eat