10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies

There are two ways of describing the thing, one is the visual type like we do in the movies and the other is to make the people read what you want to say. Normally things are finer to explain when you made the reader read what you want, and sometimes when you put the reading material in visual form, things become a little different but it may explain the reader more about the writing or it may be disastrous
Well we have here the list of top 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies. Some of the movies contained the exaggeration and stuff that was added all by the movie makers and some lacked the spirit. So let’s proceed with the list I am sure you will agree with me

The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies
The book really did need a happy ending, and the movie gave it to it, but casting Demi Moore as a stripper was totally not a good idea and it shook the book spirit so hard! The movie was supposed to be about the guilt, sin and betrayal but with the stupid costumes and how poorly the movie did turn out well no doubt a disaster. You need to make a movie on the novel, not just giving different situations all by yourself in the movie.


Stardust 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies
If you haven’t read the novel, then the movie seems good but if you have read the book and then you see the movie, you are like MAN!! The novel is the richer and darker, but if you watch the movie it is no doubt the sugar coated version of the movie. Instead of being around the novel, it is a little entertaining movie.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

How the Grinch Stole Christmas 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies
The movie is an amplified version of nightmare full of noises and color, the green ugly dog and Jim Carrey playing the role of Dr. Seuss. How the Grinch Stole Christmas the movie was totally not around the original story line, but a little A LOT change.

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies
The novel is the hilarious and dreamy conversation of Robin and the reader, which you read and totally get the meaning, the story and the thoughts that author wants you to have. But the movie is so bizarre and drunken sort who ridiculously attempts to make it funny, but doesn’t work at all.

The Dark is rising

The Dark is rising 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies
The book is full of allusions and descriptions, the children book series of five books and this one is the second book from them. It basically comprehends that the student’s place is more observer and student than a hero. The book is really thoughtful but the movie version is not good at all. You see the movie and all you get that it is the action and game like movie which has a lot of power ups.

The League of Extra Ordinary Gentlemen

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies
The movie is full of generic punchers and shooters, a crowded plot I must say which seriously lacks the spirit of the comic book. The movie isn’t based on the novel but a comic book. This Alan Moore’s movie was a total flop. The tortures figures moved and did fight, but totally not good as the book.

I, Robot

irobot 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies
Asimov’s stories are all about the spirit and inventiveness of new things, as this movie is from the series of Sci-Fi nine short stories and it really does involves the laws of Robotics. I, Robot was supposed to be an awesome movie, but it totally lacked the spirit of Asimov’s Stories. Will Smith is no doubt an amazing actor and the movie is good too but totally not the novel type.

The Handmaid’s Tale

the handmaid tale 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies
The Handmaid’s Tale is a Sci Fi sort of novel and is based on the story of infertility of women of a special area. The movie totally misinterprets the original text. The novel was about the dictatorship of Gilead who has a handmaid to be his sexual slave and to empower him in sustaining republic. Well in the movie she becomes the heroin and kills the sexual owner and flees Gilead. The movie is a total disaster as it is kind of a sexual exploitation, as the author of the novel himself says that.

Flowers in the Attic

flowers in the attic 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies
I think this was totally not a filmable type! It totally doesn’t go with the theme of the book. The movie is about the betrayal of a mother to her own kids. And these siblings become a part of their own incestuous family history; the movie totally doesn’t depict all that and is a total failure. Even the teenage girls who were a huge fan of the book watched it, and still couldn’t get the real difference.

The Dresden Files

dresden files 10 Novels That Should Never Have Been Made Into Movies
This movie is considered to be somehow a flop in the Sci-Fi genre, There is the character Harry Dresden who was supposed to have a Chuck Norris’s kind of beard but in the movie they casted a guy who was totally not like that, the thing they represented in the novel was totally not found in his character, instead of it he was looking like some repairman. Secondly the character of Karrin Murphy, which was supposed to be outclassed and dreadful as she was the weather girl, was a total disaster in movie. In short the whole Sci Fi network sucked in the movie.